The megastar of Tollywood, Chiranjeevi, who recently announced multiple projects on his birthday including Godfather, Bholaa Shankar and others. While his upcoming venture Acharya is one the verge completion, the latest reports suggest that the actor has acquired the rights of Thala Ajith's blockbuster Yennai Arindhaal. Apparently, the director has been locked by the makers and it will be bankrolled by Ram Charan. Interestingly, Chiranjeevi is also doing the remake of Thala Ajith's Vedalam, which also stars Keerthy Suresh in a lead role. Thala Ajith's Yennai Arindhaal, which was directed by Gautham Menon also featured Anikha, Parvathy Nair, Vivek, Ashish Vidyarthi, Suman and Avinash in pivotal roles.
Talking about Chiranjeevi's upcoming venture Acharya, which also stars Ram Charan and Kajal Aggarwal in key roles, is directed by Janatha Garage and Srimanthudu helmer Koratala Siva and produced under the banners of Konidela Production Company and Matinee Entertainments. It also stars Sonu Sood, Jisshu Sengupta and Pooja Hegde in pivotal roles. Apparently, Ram Charan, who is playing the role of Siddha will have a heroic entry at the interval point and will get a great amount of screen time in the second-half of the film.
On the other hand, Thala Ajith will be next seen in Valimai, which also stars Kartikeya and Huma Qureshi in key roles. The plot of the film revolves around him and his biking gang, who are street bikers and are engaged in illegal things and Thala Ajith is taking on this gang as a kickass cop, who wants to eradicate the crime completely. In the film, we will see multiple bike chasing scenes and reportedly both the stars have not used any body double or VFX to perform these stunts, so that it looks authentic on the silver screen. Top action directors have come on board for this and that's why the film took longer for completion.
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