Global star Priyanka Chopra and her husband Nick Jonas took the red carpet at the British Fashion Awards 2021 to just another level. On Tuesday morning, the internet was in admiration with the perfect sync of the duo. The event took place at the Royal Albert Hall in London, England. Nick later took to Instagram to give a shout-out to the ‘star of the show’, his beautiful wife, as he shared snapshots featuring both of them.
In the images actress Priyanka Chopra is seen dressed in a head-to-toe floral bodysuit by Richard Quinn. She finished off her attire with a diamond necklace and dangling earrings. Nick, on the other hand, complemented his wife in an oversized black suit set featuring a notch lapel, double-breasted blazer and loose-fitted pants. He teamed his suit with a red round-neck top, matching pocket square, and whacking red split-toe boots by Maison Margiela.
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The couple was all smiles and looked so much in love as they walked the British red carpet.
Recently both Priyanka and Nick smashed their divorce rumours by showing their love and fondness for each other with their similar Thanksgiving posts. Along with photos where the two are cuddling, Nick wrote, “Happy thanksgiving everyone! Grateful for you @priyankachopra.” Priyanka, meanwhile, wrote, “So much to be grateful for. Friends, family.. I love you @nickjonas happy thanksgiving to everyone celebrating.
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Talking about the work, Priyanka is anticipating the release of Citadel and The Matrix Resurrections. She will also start shooting for Farhan Akhtar’s Jee Le Zaraa along with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif.
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