Actress Ankita Lokhande tied the knot with her long-time boyfriend Vicky Jain a few days ago in Mumbai. Ankita's wedding was a grand affair and was attended by many people from the entertainment industry. Earlier, the actress had shared various pictures from her big day on her social media handle. Now, she has shared pictures of her pre-wedding custom of Mehendi (a Hindu ritual where Heena is applied to both Bride and Maid a day prior to their wedding).
In the picture, Ankita can be seen executing elegance in a peach pink outfit. Ankita's Mehendi's outfit is a three-piece suit that consists of dhoti style pants, a waist-length top and a shrug on the top which has white borders. The look was complemented with a heavy necklace and little earrings. In the pictures, she can be seen in all smiles while the Heena is getting applied to her. She also gives really nice moves as she poses for the camera. Apart from that, she also shared some of her candid clicks with Vicky. Sharing the pictures, the actress simply captioned it as, "What is yours will find you."
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Meanwhile, on the work front, Ankita Lokhande was last seen besides Shaheer Sheikh in Pavitra Rishta 2 which streamed on the Zee5 app.
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