The poster of Thalapathy Vijay's Beast poster was unveiled today by the makers. It shows him in a fierce avatar. The makers also announced that the film will be releasing in April 2022. Now, some online users are alleging that the film's poster is similar to Ajith Kumar's Valimai look. As you might be aware, Valimai's trailer was unveiled yesterday. A user called Ajith Kumar a 'trend setter' and Thalapathy Vijay a follower. "Every master piece has its cheap copies," wrote another user. Another comment read, "#Beast Poster Copied From #Valimai But Sad Reality Is That VJ Can't Match AK SWAG." Some fans were even comparing the posters of both films and asked which one is better. Have a look at the reactions below:
Every master piece has its cheap copies ??#Valimai #Beast
A K R s (@MSD2468) December 31, 2021
#Beast Poster Copied From #Valimai But Sad Reality Is That VJ Can't Match AK SWAG ?#AjithKumar
LEKHRAJ Sultan (@BeingLekhu) December 31, 2021
Trend setter #Valimai ? Follower ? #beast
AK FANS CLUB (@AkFansClubKPM) December 31, 2021
Which is best ? ?#Valimai #Beast ?
(@itsurUsham) December 31, 2021
Let's settle!! Best Look Of Kollywood 2021? Ajith Vijay#Valimai #Beast ?(Rt) (Like)
Rebel ? (@cultprabhasfan) December 31, 2021
Talking about Valimai, the trailer garnered a whopping 1.1 lakh views in less than 15 minutes of being released on YouTube yesterday. According to IANS, many fans of the actor bought tickets just to watch the trailer of the film on the big screen. The neatly cut, high-energy sharp trailer of the much-awaited film, directed by Vinoth, gives away the fact that Ajith plays a cop called Arjun in the film and that he goes after a team of criminals who believe that their strength gives them the right to take what they want. (With inputs from IANS)
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