National Award-winning actress Priyamani who gained pan-India popularity with the multiple award-winning web series The Family Man. She recently shared her experience of working with two much-loved actors, Ajay Devgn and Rana Daggubati in her upcoming films Virata Parvam and Maidaan. She has now opened up about the dearth of representation of south Indian characters in Bollywood movies who could just speak Hindi with an accent. When Priyamani was asked the growing popularity of south content among the Hindi audience, the actress told Bollywood Hungama, "Finally, the talent in the South is also getting recognised. There was a time when earlier we had people like Sridevi, Rekha, Hema Malini, Vyjayanthimala, who ruled Bollywood. And then there was a dearth you know. We have only Hindi-speaking actors in Bollywood and they used to sort of portray South Indians could be somebody from Chennai, could be somebody from Kerala they used to portray them as people who used to not speak Hindi in the normal way - 'Aiyo, kaisa ji, kya bolta ji'- like that." Sharing her reaction to such portrayals of south Indian characters on screen, Priyamani said, "I've also seen a lot of films like that and I used to think to myself that South Indians don't speak Hindi like that. But you know, maybe it's their version. Maybe they have come across some people who did speak Hindi like that. And after a point they stopped that and started getting South technicians to Bollywood. And, we saw a surge of a lot of South Indian technicians coming to Bollywood and making their mark successfully. And right now, I'm very happy that finally South talent is also getting recognised here in Bollywood and South stars are also getting their due." Recently, the teaser of Bhama Kalapam featuring Priyamani was released by Pushpa actress Rashmika Mandanna. It introduced the curious homemaker Anupama (Priyamani), who earns the wrath of the other residents of her neighbourhood, for peeping into everyone's lives. She also causes anxiety to her husband with this curiosity about others' lives. Tamil actor John Vijay seems to have an important role as well, as he is seen discussing Anupama's dangerous side. Her role blends thriller elements with entertainment.
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