Vijay Deverakonda, who became a household name because of his performance in the Telugu film Arjun Reddy, is all set to make his Bollywood debut with the Hindi-Telugu bilingual film Liger. Today, one more pan-India film of the actor titled JGM was announced at an event in Mumbai. The film will be directed by Puri Jagannadh and it will mark the actor-director duo's second film together after Liger. JGM is co-produced by Jagannadh and Charmme Kaur under their banner Puri Connects, and they have also co-produced Liger. So, of course, apart from JGM, Liger was also the topic of discussion at the event. When Vijay was asked about having a huge fan following pan-India even before the release of Liger and if he feels pressure about the movie, the actor said, "I am happy to know that it exists (fandom). I don't have any pressure about Liger; I know it's going to be hit. I am just waiting for it to release. No pressure, it's very easy for me." Further talking about shooting in Hindi, the actor said, "Talking in Hindi wasn't difficult. The script that I was given had everything in it, all dialogues written had proper grammar. Liger is an Indian film, and I had a lot of fun while shooting it. After watching Dear Comrade and Arjun Reddy, Karan came to me and told me that he loved me as an actor and told me that he wanted to work with me. A few months later we went to him with Liger. I am very grateful to him for giving me this opportunity. Karan can thank me after the film releases because we will give him a blockbuster. I want this film to be huge as Karan has taken a terrific decision, and I want him to be happy with his decision. If Liger becomes a huge hit, he will take more such decisions, and more talented actors will get opportunities to work in more national films and big projects." Liger is co-produced by Karan Johar's Dharma Productions and also stars Ananya Panday in the lead role. While it is shot in Telugu and Hindi, the movie will be dubbed and released in various languages like Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam. It is slated to hit the big screens on 25th August 2022. Interestingly, Vijay's blockbuster film Arjun Reddy was also released on 25th August 2017.
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