Tollywood’s prominent filmmaker SS Rajamouli’s period action drama RRR, which stars Jr. NTR and Ram Charan together for the first time, has won the hearts of audiences all over the world as the film has grossed over Rs. 600 crores in just five days since its release in theaters. Actor Kangana Ranaut is also one of the fans of the film and director Rajamouli. Taking to Instagram, the actor called the filmmaker the greatest Indian film director ever. She also said it’s the humility and simplicity that defines him and not success.
On Wednesday, Kangana took to her Instagram stories to applaud for SS Rajamouli, whom she described as a filmmaker with no unsuccessful film to his credit. “Rajamouli sir has proved he’s the greatest Indian film director ever. He has never ever given an unsuccessful film,” Kangana wrote.
In continuation of the story, she further wrote, “Yet the best thing about him is not his success but his humility as an artist, sadagi (simplicity) as a person and his great love for his nation and his dharma. Great to have a role model like you sir. Sincerely your fan.”
RRR, which has been made on a mega budget of Rs. 300 crores, had a huge release on March 25 in cinemas and has already earned over Rs. 600 crores worldwide and counting. The Hindi version of the film alone has grossed over Rs. 100 crores. Over the March 25-27 weekend, it was said that the highest-grossing film in the world, with earnings equivalent to $65 million.
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