Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has had a soothing start to his weekend. The star on Saturday shared pictures of himself, in which he is taking a dip in an ocean amid nature. While Salman did not caption the shot, his fans had many things to say about the actor. One fan called him “The Godfather of Bollywood,” while another netizen wrote, “Tiger abhi zinda hain.”
Salman is currently taking some time off from projects. Earlier this week, he wrapped shooting for Chiranjeevi’s next, titled Godfather.
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Addressing Salman as he welcomes him on board, Chiranjeevi wrote, “Your entry has energized everyone & the excitement has gone to the next level. Sharing a screen with you is an absolute joy. Your presence will no doubt give that magical #KICK to the audience.” Godfather director Mohan Raja thanked Salman for making the shoot “comfortable and memorable.”
Godfather is the official remake of the Malayalam blockbuster Lucifer, which initially featured Mohanlal in the key role and was the directorial debut of Prithviraj. Salman Khan, on the other hand, has an interesting line up. He has Tiger 3 in the pipeline for which he will reunite with Katrina Kaif in the film, directed by Maneesh Sharma.
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