Earlier today, the trailer of the Kangana Ranaut starrer Dhaakad dropped. The trailer was launched at a grand event with the entire cast of the film in attendance. Not surprisingly, Kangana made a grand entry arriving in a helicopter. However, it wasn’t her grand entry or her talk about Dhaakad that caught our attention. Instead, it was Ranaut’s views on why Bollywood should take a lesson from South films doing well that did.
When asked for her views on South film dubbed in Hindi doing well, Kangana Ranaut, first detailed the plans to make Dhaakad a pan-India film saying, “We are dubbing Dhaakad in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada. So of course we are making it pan-India.” Further talking about the whole debate of South films taking away screens and territories, she added, “I think this debate of south and north, with south films coming here is so unfortunate. They have always got this step motherly treatment, and that is why today it feels like a victory. It should not have been like this in the first place, that we have not had a single hero from the south be a leading man in the Hindi film industry, like a successful celebrated one.”
Further taking a jibe at unnamed persons within the industry, the actress known for her pointed comments added, “I have been talking about how close knit this circle is and how it operates. This is also an example of how they don’t allow outsiders. And now they (outsiders) come to take their due, which is rightfully theirs, since they are Indians.” Later while touching on the topic of South releases dubbed in Hindi occupying screens and territories of Bollywood releases, she added, “They are not taking someone else’s territory, or screens, they are Indians. It is theirs as well. This change is a massive slap on those industry godfathers, and those sitting in powerful places here. And such people deserve this slap, it was long due.”
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