Telugu superstar Jr NTR, who is currently riding high on the massive success of SS Rajamouli's magnum opus RRR, has made his stunning debut with ace photographer Dabboo Ratnani. The actor was seen posing shirtless and showing off his washboard abs in the monochrome photograph. However, fans were not convinced by Jr NTR's six-pack abs. Many people felt that the picture is being edited to make Jr NTR look more chiselled. Some said that the actor was a bit oversized in RRR and suddenly this kind of transformation can't happen. Some people showed no mercy criticising the photo and said that Jr NTR's abs were fake. And there were many who took a dig at it saying, "nice editing bro." Take a look.
Meanwhile, Director Koratala Siva, who is busy promoting his upcoming release Acharya, has spoken about his next biggie with Jr NTR. The movie with the working title NTR30, is on cards and NTR is to join the sets soon, amidst all the anticipation around it. Koratala Siva stated in his most recent media interaction that NTR30 will have more mass elements than his super hit movie Mirchi starring Prabhas. "I've written a large script that will be mounted on a large canvas. It will have more mass appeal and commercial appeal than my first film, Mirchi", Koratala stated. Hinting at the highly-commercial elements he has, to include for the NTR's next, Koratala said, "There will be a mass overdose". Siva went on to say that the much-anticipated film will be shot on a grand scale and will have a strong emotional core that will fuel the entire story. According to reports, NTR30 will hit theatres in May 2023. Koratala Siva and NTR previously worked together on the superhit film Janatha Garage.
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