Zee TV’s latest show, Pyaar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan has started to air on television. The mature romance based in modern-day Vrindavan captures the story of Mohan (Shabir Ahluwalia), who was once an effortless and easy-going charmer with women swooning around him. However, he has somehow lost that smile along the way and is, today, an intense, brooding man. On the other side, Radha (Neeharika Roy) is a spiritual and optimistic girl, who is on a mission to help Mohan smile once again.
While the intriguing plot of the show has kept the audience hooked, it is the new and interesting track of the show which has been winning the hearts of the viewers where Mohan’s late wife Tulsi's spirit (Kirti Nagpure) is still present in the house to help her daughter and trying to bring out the reality of her death.
Talking about her character, Kirti mentions, “I am excited to play the role of Tulsi in the show. This role is very different from other roles which I have signed up for earlier in my career. This is the first time that I am playing a fictitious role. Also, I believe that every role has a different journey, and their motives are also different. After listening to my character in the show, I immediately accepted the role as this was a unique character. I hope my character of Tulsi would be loved and accepted by the people.”
While the audience will be thrilled to see this different track and role played by Kirti Nagpure in the show, it will be even more interesting to see how Radha helps Mohan rediscover himself and whether she will be able to bring a smile to his face once again or not!
Pyaar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan will be airing from Monday to Saturday at 8:00 PM on Zee TV.
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