Shah Rukh Khan, who recently attended the birthday bash of bestie Karan Johar, attended another important personal event last week. He was seen at the wedding ceremony of Red Chillies Entertainment Supervising Producer Bella Mulchandani where he not only interacted and clicked photographs with the guests but he also had some kind words to say about the bride and he also kissed her hand.
In a video shared on Instagram, we can see Shah Rukh Khan talking fondly about his colleague-friend and bride Bella Mulchandani saying, “Bella is one of my oldest oldest, not in terms of age, but in terms of friends, co-workers, who has been with me for years. The sweetest thing about her is that she has taken care for me is that she has taken care for me. So from my heart, all I feel for Bella is that. I’m sure Rahul will take care of her, the way she has taken care of all of us.”
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On the other hand, the superstar also posed with the bride and groom as well as the guests at the wedding party. Here are a few posts from the bash:
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Speaking of his forthcoming films, fans are eagerly awaiting to see King Khan on the big screen in Pathan. The film also stars John Abraham and Deepika Padukone in pivotal roles. The actor has also announced a couple of other projects like Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki. The film features Taapsee Pannu and is expected to hit the big screens next year.
Also Read: Nameplate of Shah Rukh Khan’s residence ‘Mannat’ was removed for THIS reason
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