Known for its power-packed stunts, Khatron Ke Khiladi often sees celebs pushing their limits. Many contestants now and in the past seasons have suffered injuries and wounds while performing them. Although none of them have been fatal, the contestants have spoken about enduring their pain. In the ongoing shoot of Khatron Ke Khiladi 12 in Cape Town, yet another contestant seems to have been injured. Contestant Rajiv Adatia sprained his leg and a video of the same was shared by none other than his friend and co-contestant Pratik Sehajpal.
In the video shared by Pratik Sehajpal on his Instagram story, we can see that the contestant is enquiring about Rajiv Adatia and his injury and at the same time, advising him to get some rest as he assured him that all will be fine. A source close to the contestant said, “Rajiv Adatia’s video of his sprained leg from KKK was concerning for his fans. He sprained his leg whilst performing a stunts and a video of it was shared by fellow contestant Pratik Sehajpal where he was seen showing Rajiv resting it out on the bed having a sprained leg which was covered by a crepe bandage. While Rajiv described that he is in pain, Pratik consoled and assured him that all will be fine.”
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TV stunt reality show Khatron ke Khiladi is known for the thrills and chills faced by the contestants and for making them perform dangerous stunts in the most unusual conditions. Hosted by Rohit Shetty, who is quite the task master, the show features celebs from the entertainment industry who compete to overcome their fear. Khatron Ke Khiladi 12 features Rubina Dilaik, Shivangi Joshi, Kanika Mann, Sriti Jha, Aneri Vajani, Nishant Bhat, Jannat Zubair, among others.
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