Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan tied the knot on June 9. The wedding took place at a resort in Mahabalipuram. It was also attended by Shah Rukh Khan who will be seen alongside Nayanthara in director Atlee's upcoming film Jawan. Tamil actress and anchor DhivyaDharshini, who is better known as DD, is still over the moon for having been able to give a tight hug to one of her favourite stars Shah Rukh Khan at the wedding. The popular Tamil TV host took to social media to share her fangirl moment with Shah Rukh Khan on the occasion of the King Khan celebrating 30 years in the film industry. "I hugged him tight and I told him everything I wanted to tell. So many years, so many memories, so much of joy you have given us sir, for all that you deserve only the best of best life sir. Everyday I will pray for your heart's joy sir! Shah Rukh Khan you don't deserve any less or any sadness sir," she wrote on Instagram. She also thanked director Atlee for enabling her to meet one of her favourite stars. "What a day to post this pic as our KING KHAN celebrates 30 years in this industry. There is no one like you ever before & ever after sir Thank you sooooo much #Atlee darling @priyaatlee for this kindness I wish you a block buster mega hit #jawan 1000crores vasool," she added.
As Shah Rukh Khan completes 30 glorious years in the film industry on Saturday, YRF unveiling SRK's guarded look from Pathaan through a motion poster. It showed a gun-flexing SRK looking gritty and raw and ready for a dangerous mission. The look created mass hysteria as soon as it dropped on the internet. Director Siddharth Anand said that Shah Rukh Khan's look from Pathaan was the most heavily guarded imagery. About SRK's look in and as Pathaan, Anand said, "He is the alpha man on a mission in this action spectacle that will hopefully set new benchmarks for the action genre in India. When you have Shah Rukh Khan in your film, along with superstars like Deepika Padukone and John Abraham, you have to reach for the stars in every department and I don't think we will disappoint on that promise with Pathaan." Pathaan is set to release on January 25, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.
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