South films and stars have been ruling the box office for the past few months. Pushpa: The Rise Part 1 and RRR are two of the biggest hits from the South industry in recent times. Ganesh Chaturthi 2022 is tomorrow, and a few days ago, we had seen a Ganapati Ji's idol which was inspired by Ram Charan's character in RRR. Now, a picture has gone viral on social media in which a Ganesh Ji's idol is dressed as Pushpa Raj from Pushpa and it is doing the famous gesture that Allu Arjun did in the movie. The picture has gone viral on social media and fans of the actor are going gaga over it. A fan commented, "Awwwwwiiieeee... Ganpati Bappa Morya.."
While fans of Allu Arjun are liking the idol, a few people aren't happy with it as they feel that this is disrespectful towards the god. An Instagram user wrote, "Man i get the Pushpa craze, but as someone who loves Ganpati, this is just pushing it, and feels borderline insulting!"
#AlluArjun has seen an exceptionally high craze among the audience ever since #PushpaThe Rise has been released.
Now, as the famous #Ganapati festival has arrived, the fever of #PushpaRaj style was seen taking over the Ganpati idols.#GaneshChaturthi— Ashwani kumar (@BorntobeAshwani) August 30, 2022
Jai Ganesha!! #RamCharan#JrNTR#AlluArjun #PushpaTheRise #Pushpa#RRRMovie
— Pagal Samaajam (@PagalSamaajam) August 30, 2022
Well, we wonder what Allu Arjun has to say about this Ganesh ji's idol inspired by his character Pushpa Raj. Pushpa: The Rise Part 1 was released in December 2021. The film collected Rs. 267.55 crore at the box office in all languages. The Hindi dubbed version of the movie minted Rs. 108 crore at the box office. Now, everyone is eagerly waiting for the sequel to the film which is titled Pushpa 2: The Rule. Apart from Allu Arjun, the movie also stars Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil in the lead roles. The movie was officially launched recently with a puja ceremony. Reportedly, Pushpa 2 was supposed to start rolling this month. However, there's no official update about whether the film went on the floors or not.
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