A week ago, Zee TV launched a new show on motherhood titled Sanjog which is a mature family drama, showcasing the intricacies of the relationship between two very different mothers - Amrita and Gauri, and their respective daughters. With Kamya Punjabi and Shefali Sharma playing the lead roles, Rajat Dahiya and Rajniesh Duggall play the role of their respective husbands. As the actors have been working round the clock, the new show has started off on a great note for Rajat Dahiya who was able to strike one thing off his bucket list. It is to invest in a swanky new car.
Rajat Dahiya purchased the Kia Seltos worth approximately Rs. 10 lakhs as his new investment. Expressing happiness over it, he shared, “I really felt amazing when I got the keys of my new car as this is my first-ever car from my own money. I have been planning to buy a car for a long time, but I believe it’s a sheer coincidence that I got it right after Sanjog’s premiere. When we buy a new car, we truly build an emotional bond with it, and it depicts your growth and success to you. I felt this was the right time for me to buy a car as I have known the value of it after travelling 50-70 km on my bike daily in the Mumbai monsoon which was so taxing.”
He went on to say, “My dream car is a GMC Ford, and while I will buy it in the near future, for now, I have bought the new Kia Seltos, which is fully automatic and suits my personality. I am very happy that I could finally strike off one thing from my bucket list and I pray that this is just the first of many more to come.”
Sanjog features the story of two mothers whose daughters get swapped at birth. The show airs on Zee TV from Monday to Friday at 10 pm.
Also Read: Rajniesh Duggal all set to make daily soap debut with Zee TV’s upcoming show Sanjog
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