Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra had back-to-back three film releases in 2021 with Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar, Saina and The Girl On The Train. She was most recently seen in Code Name: Tiranga where she played the role of a spy. The film failed to work well at the box office. But, during the promotion of the movie, the actress sat down with Bollywood Hungama to discuss various topics including some personal conversations too. The actress, who is currently gearing up for Uunchai, said that her decision-making process is all about her mindset.
When asked about the secret behind her decision-making process, Parineeti Chopra said, “My mindset. I think I am pretty proud of my mindset and the way I think is different from most people that I know. I am a bit of a Sufi soul but I balance my life a lot. I live sort of distant life from the film industry so I am able to be objective all the time.”
On the work front, Parineeti Chopra will next star in Sooraj Barjatya’s Uunchai. Produced by Rajshri Productions in association with Mahaveer Jain Films and Boundless Media, Uunchai is a film that promises to celebrate emotion, relationships and age. The film is headlined by Amitabh Bachchan, Anupam Kher, Boman Irani, Sarika, Neena Gupta and Parineeti Chopra, with special performances by Danny Denzongpa and Nafisa Ali Sodhi. It is slated to be released on November 11, 2022.
ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Uunchai star Parineeti Chopra reveals her ‘ideal perfect date’: “Real things are attractive to me”
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