The recently held Orhan Awtramani Halloween bash seems to have become the talk of the town with Bollywood celebs sharing their new looks from the costume party. From Janhvi Kapoor becoming a part of the Addams family to Ananya Panday turning Poo from K3G, the bash saw celebrities sporting some very popular and interesting avatars. Amongst them was the very prim-and-proper Shanaya Kapoor who turned ‘Princess’ and replicated the iconic look of Anne Hathaway from the popular chick-flick Princess Diaries.
Showcasing her love for the film, the actress posted several photos of her look, as she compared it to the different avatars of Anne Hathaway from the film. In the series of pics posted by Shanaya Kapoor on her Instagram page, the first one was a replica of the poster of Princess Diaries and along with them, she also posted a collage of her ‘princess expressions’ saying, ““me, a princess? Shut up!” ???? #halloween??????”
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For the unversed, Princess Diaries is a teenage American coming-of-age drama revolving around Mia Thermopolis, who is brought up in a simple middle-class household by a single mother, only to learn that she is the next heir to a respected throne which is currently ruled by her estranged grandmother. She must learn the ropes of becoming a princess and show her worth as the prestigious ‘princess’.
Coming to the bash, many of the Gen Z generation kids of B-town which include Navya Naveli Nanda, Aryan Khan, Ibrahim Khan, among others also attended this high-profile bash.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Shanaya Kapoor is expected to make her debut in Bollywood soon. Dharma Productions, who also launched her cousin Janhvi Kapoor, will be launching Shanaya in a power packed romantic action drama Bedhadak that features Gurfateh Raizada and Lakshya Lalwani. Directed by Shashank Khaitan, while the film was supposed to hit the big screens soon, it got delayed owing to the pandemic.
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