Kantara, a Kannada film that unexpectedly took the worldwide box office by storm and its lead star Rishab Shetty have become the talk of the town. To give you an overview, the film has crossed the Rs 400 crore mark at the worldwide box office collection, becoming the only Kannada film to enter the 400 crore club globally after another Kannada successful KGF Chapter 2 starring Yash. But how did Rishab do that? Is there a success recipe? Is there a mantra that other filmmakers, aiming to make some of the biggest Pan India box office successes can take into consideration? The Kantara star revealed it all at the ongoing 53rd International Film Festival of India (IFFI) 2022 Goa. In a houseful masterclass on 'Representing Cultural Diversity and Identifying New Markets', moderated by veteran film producer TG Thyagarajan at IFFI, Rishab Shetty spoke about the basic aspect that made his film so relatable to audiences transcending all demographic or language barriers. Talking about how Kantara was seeded, Rishab Shetty shared that he used all the various elements that have inspired him personally. Right from his experience and observations watching Tamil cinema and the finer nuances of the cultures gave Kantara the shape that was fluid enough to make inroads into hearts of the variety of audiences that watched the film. Giving another reason on what he thinks made the film such a huge success, Shetty opined, 'Thanks to OTT, people are now watching films from across the globe, from around the country'. He added that OTT has brought about the much-needed revolution where audience no more limits itself to the language they are natives of or familiar with. The success of Kantara is truly encouraging for filmmakers creating regional cinema with a global goal. Interestingly, while Rishab Shetty is all excited about the opportunities that now lie open for cinema, he has decided to work only in the Kannada film industry as it is his Karma Bhoomi. He, however, is all for dubbing the film in as mamy languages as possible if it is a hit and does deserve a wider audience. We truly hope to see more such projects in the future, that blur the divide between the various 'woods' that films come from and truly define what the Indian Film Industry stands for.
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