Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathaan came as a relief to not just SRK fans waiting to see him on the big screen but also to Bollywood, especially with the film making record shattering box office collections. In an interesting #AskSRK session, when a fan quizzed the superstar about his opinion on the way his film has been faring at the box office, the actor had an emotional response that left many of his fans swooning over him even further. On Saturday afternoon, Shah Rukh Khan decided to gauge the response of his fans for his latest release Pathaan by hosting the famous #AskSRK session on Twitter. Obviously, he was showered with ample love and appreciation from them as they couldn’t stop gushing about the film and his role. Moreover, the fans also expressed their happiness over the way it has been receiving a massive response at the box office. Making a reference to the same, one fan asked, “Sir @iamsrk #PathaanMovie ke collection ko dekh kr kaisa Mehsoos Ho Raha Aapko? #AskSRK. (Sir, how do you feel when you look at the collections of Pathaan)” However, the superstar had a rather emotional response to this question as he added, “Bhai numbers phone ke hote hain…hum toh khushi ginte hain… (Bro, numbers are for phones… we can count only the happiness)”. Bhai numbers phone ke hote hain…hum toh khushi ginte hain…#Pathaan — Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) January 28, 2023 Coming to Pathaan, the film marks the comeback venture of SRK, who appeared on the big screen after four years. The film features him in the role of a spy along with Deepika Padukone playing a similar role. John Abraham essays the character of the antagonist. The film, directed by Siddharth Anand, is produced by YRF as a part of Aditya Chopra’s ambitious spy universe. It hit the theatres on January 25 in three languages, namely, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. Also Read: #AskSRK: Shah Rukh Khan addresses Salman Khan as GOAT
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