Actor Suniel Shetty’s daughter and model Athiya Shetty was trending on social media after she announced her wedding with cricketer KL Rahul. The star couple decided to tie the knot after dating for several years. While fans were still obsessing over their gorgeous dreamy wedding photos, Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul have shared a bunch of happy clicks from their haldi ceremony on their respective social media handles. Speaking of Athiya’s Instagram post, the first image is a happy picture of Athiya and KL Rahul. Their faces and arms are seen covered with Haldi paste followed by a picture of Athiya, flashing her smile. In the third image, Athiya is applying haldi to her brother Ahan Shetty. Meanwhile, in the fourth picture, Athiya poses for a portrait. As soon as Athiya shared photos, numerous celebs reacted to her post including Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Aditya Seal, and Ayesha Shroff among many others. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Athiya Shetty (@athiyashetty) On the other hand, KL Rahul also shared five photos. In one of the images, he was seen holding Athiya close while posing for the camera. Interestingly, the newlyweds wrote, “Sukh (Peace),” in their caption. Reacting to the post, KL Rahul’s father-in-law Suniel Shetty reacted with a heart emoticon. View this post on Instagram A post shared by KL Rahul???? (@klrahul) Talking about their wedding, they got married in an intimate ceremony at Suniel Shetty's farmhouse in Khandala. Post their wedding, several media reports claimed that the couple received expensive gift items including a luxurious house in Mumbai (worth Rs 50 crores), swanky cars, expensive watches and bikes from Bollywood stars and cricketers. However, a source close to Suniel Shetty refuted the reports and said, “All the reports published about the gifts are absolutely baseless and not true. We request the press fraternity to confirm details with us before publishing such incorrect information in the public domain”. Also Read: Suniel Shetty’s family denies reports of Athiya Shetty-KL Rahul receiving luxurious gifts at their wedding: ‘Absolutely baseless and not true’
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