Siddharth Anand has become the hottest director in town. The fact that his latest directorial Pathaan starring Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham is setting new benchmark records at the box office, film producers are making a bee line to sign him. If going by certain reports, then apparently Mulk producer Deepak Mukut has roped in Anand to occupy the directorial chair of his next production venture. While the grapevine is buzzing with such claims, a well-placed industry source has exclusively informed Bollywood Hungama that it is untrue. Speaking exclusively to Bollywood Hungama the source who is also close to the filmmaker, denies the claims saying, “Siddharth Anand’s next is Fighter, a film that he is also producing under his banner Marflix. He is one of the biggest directors of the country and the biggest in terms of opening numbers. He will announce his next line up of films in due course of time but he is definitely not collaborating with Mulk producer Deepak Mukut.” While it is understandable for such rumours to find a base, especially since Siddharth Anand with two back to back hits, viz. War and now Pathaan, has become one of the most talked about and south after individuals, maintaining a modicum of truth is highly necessary. Back on the film front, Siddharth Anand, who is currently enjoying the success of Pathaan and certainly monitoring its record breaking and setting spree will resume work on his next soon. Titled Fighter, the film features Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, Anil Kapoor alongside an ensemble cast, is said to be India’s first aerial action film. Also Read: Pathaan director Siddharth Anand on scoring two back-to-back Rs. 50 crores+ openers; says, “It is a validation of all the hard work”
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