Shah Rukh Khan is finally back on the silver screen in a lead role with Pathaan. Ever since the inception of the Siddharth Anand directorial, the film managed to be in the headlines constantly. However, hours after its release, a section of audience couldn’t stop talking about Salman Khan’s cameo in Pathaan. Among many others, director Vasan Bala has also reacted to this special moment of the film. For the unversed, Bollywood Hungama was among the first ones to report that Salman Khan will be having a cameo appearance in the second half of the film. The duo shares the screen space for a high-octane action-packed sequence a few minutes after the interval. The sequence has received immense love from the audience. As mentioned above, it left director Vasan Bala in awe as well. The renowned filmmaker took to his verified social media handle and shared a post on his feed. The image read, “SK says ‘bhaag Pathaan Bhaag’ And this happens as Rakesh Roshan is in the cinema hall! Come on! Mere Karan Arjun Aagaye!” Meanwhile, the caption of his post read, “One of the greatest Meta Moments in the Cinem Hall for me. Ever!” Reacting to the same, the majority of comments read, “agree”. “That scene was a full Karan Arjun vibe,” wrote a user while another commented, “What if Aamir too was there.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Vasan Bala (@vasanbala) Speaking of the sequence, a source had told Bollywood Hungama, “From helicopter, to guns and hand to hand combats - you will see Salman Khan acing the space that he excels in to rescue his friend Shah Rukh Khan from tough times of being trapped by Russian Mafia.” Interestingly, the spy franchise started with Ek Tha Tiger in 2012 and continued with War, Tiger Zinda Hai, and added an extension with Pathaan. Besides, Shah Rukh, the Siddharth Anand directorial also features Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Also Read: Pathaan celeb review: Rajkummar Rao, Malaika Arora, Raveena Tandon and others heap praises on Shah Rukh Khan starrer
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