We all know that with each passing day, Pathaan is setting new records at the box office. The film comes as a relief to Bollywood which has been facing a lull period since the pandemic. As a way of expressing his love in return for all the support fans showered on him, the leading man of Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan decided to host his favourite #AskSRK session where fans not only showcased how much they adored the superstar but also reviewed his recent action entertainer with Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. In the recently held #AskSRK session on Twitter, where fans quiz Shah Rukh Khan about everything, ranging from his personal to professional life, he came across a user who seemed like a Salman Khan. The user said, “@iamsrk #AskSRK amazing Mindblowing Fantabolous Never Seen Before Avtar Gaya Tha Tiger Ka Fan Banke Aaaya Pathaan Ka Fan Banke”. On the other hand, SRK showcased his witty sense of humour as he responded, “Tiger ka toh main bhi fan hoon bhai….bas unke saath mujhe bhi dil mein rakho bas. #Pathaan (I am also a fan of Tiger… just that along with him, remember me too with fondness).” Tiger ka toh main bhi fan hoon bhai….bas unke saath mujhe bhi dil mein rakho bas. #Pathaan https://t.co/KIbqWjwfmZ — Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) January 28, 2023 Interestingly, Pathaan also features a fun special appearance by Tiger aka Salman Khan in the film. For the unversed, the spy action entertainer is a part of Aditya Chopra’s ambitious spy universe which also includes Tiger as well as War franchises. Coming to Pathaan, the film features Deepika Padukone in the role of a former ISI agent whereas John Abraham essays the antagonist Jim. The film, directed by Siddharth Anand, released on January 25 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. Also Read: #AskSRK: Shah Rukh Khan’s response to a fan asking about Pathaan collections will win hearts
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