Actor-comedian Vir Das does stand-up comedy all over the world. In a recent interview, comedian Vir Das talked about his trip to Mannat when he was 25 to 26 years old and what transpired after he saw Shah Rukh in person. In conversation with Humans of Bombay, Vir Das spoke about his trip to Mannat and said, “Someone went in and told Shah Rukh ‘Vir Das se koi aaya hai (someone has come from Vir Das). So then you walk in and it’s the study and everything. He's like, ‘Is your name Vir Das, or you have come from Vir Das? Which one are you?' I said, ‘I have come from Vir Das’. And then we sat down and we were talking about jokes and some joke was written and I was like, ‘Sir, I don’t think that's funny'. He was like, ‘Okay, okay young blood. You don't think that's funny, come on, tell me what do you think is funny?'" He further added, “And for the rest of the evening, he heard me out. A man at that level is willing to learn from me at 25.” In December of last year, Vir Das made a comeback to OTT with his brand-new stand-up special Landing. His most recent stand-up performance received a nomination for outstanding comedy at the 2021 International Emmys. Das has appeared in almost 35 plays, more than 100 stand-up comedy performances, 18 movies, 8 TV episodes, and 6 comedy specials. He has written humorous essays for Tehelka, DNA, Exotica, Femina, and Maxim. With the television series Whiskey Cavalier, he made his television debut in the United States in 2019. On the other hand, Shah Rukh Khan is busy celebrating and experiencing the success of his recent release Pathaan. He has Jawan and Dunki in his pipeline. Also Read: Vir Das tells Whitney Cummings how Shah Rukh Khan is the ‘world’s biggest star’; says ‘if he steps out for 30 seconds, there’d be a stampede
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