The exit of Nakuul Mehta and Disha Parmar from the popular show, Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2, had left many fans' heartbroken. However, the chemistry of the new leads, Niti Taylor and Ranndeep Rai, not only compensated for it but also impressed many. Post the leap, the Ektaa Kapoor show introduced Niti as Prachi Kapoor and Ranndeep Rai as Raghav. Ever since Niti started shooting for the show, she kept her fans posted on her whereabouts through her social media handle. According to her latest Insta story, the actress got injured while shooting. In this picture shared, it can be seen that the actress has a bunch of scratches from her elbow to her shoulder. She wrote in the caption, “too many oouchies”. After this post, the fans got tensed and are advising them to take care of themselves. Shortly after Niti shared the photo on her story, a section of her fans took to the latest post on her media feed and flooded it with “get well soon” messages. Speaking of the show, as mentioned above, it recently went through a major transition with the original cast, Nakuul and Disha quitting the show. Meanwhile, Shubhaavi Choksey’s character also bid adieu to the show. Post their exit, BALH 2 took a leap of 20 years. Besides Niti and Ranndeep, Pooja Banerjee also joined the show as grown-up Pihu, the daughter of the lead characters Ram and Priya. Coming back to Niti, apart from BALH 2, she recently made headlines for Kaisi Yeh Yaariaan's season 4, which streamed on Voot on December 2. Also Read: Niti Taylor and Ranndeep Rai to play the new leads in Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2
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