The chartbuster from RRR, ‘Naatu Naatu’, continues to make waves globally. For the unversed, recently, it bagged a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song and it is also nominated to win an Oscar in the same category too. Besides getting recognition internationally, the internet is flooded with videos of foreigners dancing to the Ram Charan and Jr NTR starrer track in public. A couple of weeks back, popular Pakistani actress Hania Aamir had also joined the bandwagon and nailed the hook step of the song. However, it seems the ‘Naatu Naatu’ fever is still on for the 26-year-old actress as she has once again grooved on the RRR song. It all happened recently when she attended a wedding. In a viral video making rounds on the internet, Hania can be seen performing the song in front of a huge gathering that included actor Saboor Aly. Hania is seen all decked up in a golden-colour sharara outfit paired with white sneakers. She showed her dancing skills and gave an energetic performance to the RRR song along with one of the guests. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bollywood Hungama???? (@realbollywoodhungama) For the unversed, the 'Naatu Naatu' song has been nominated in the Best Original Song category in this year’s Oscars. It is the first Telugu song to get an Oscar nomination in the history of the awards. The 95th Academy Awards are going to be held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, USA on March 12, 2023. ‘Naatu Naatu’ will be competing with ‘Applause’, ‘Hold My Hand’, and ‘Lift Me Up’. Also Read: Pakistani actress Hania Aamir attempts to perform hook steps of Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Chaiyya Chaiyya’, ‘Chammak Challo’, ‘Dard-e-Disco’ blindfolded, watch video
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