While there have been many blockbusters that India has witnessed in the past, the record-breaking success of S.S. Rajamouli’s RRR has left everyone surprised. The film has received extensive international acclaim and has received several prestigious awards including the Golden Globe Awards 2023. Owing to its immense popularity, the film has also bagged nominations in the prestigious Oscars, Academy Awards 2023. And now taking off for the same is none other than the leading man of the film Ram Charan. His co-star Jr. NTR is also expected to accompany the Telugu superstar. Recently Ram Charan was spotted in Hyderabad in full-black attire along with a black scarf. The actor seems to be following the tradition that generally men follow before taking off to Shabari Mala in Kerala to visit the auspicious Ayyappa Temple for the past few weeks, going by his recent posts on social media. In the past, many actors have sported this which is a part of the rituals that needs to be followed before visiting the shrine. Along with these, the devotees who visit it have to follow a series of customs prior to their visit. Looking at Ram Charan walking barefoot and in simple clothes, fans couldn’t stop gushing about his humble nature as well as hailed him for respecting Indian traditions and customs. While a video of Ram Charan being snapped at the airport has been going viral on social media, some fans went on to appreciate him for flaunting the country’s customs with pride. Man who walks away with all the accollades - Global Sensation???? Swaamiye Sharanam Ayyappa????#RamCharan @AlwaysRamCharan pic.twitter.com/zSoFPcHoUf — SIDDHUCHEETAH (@Siddhucheetah) February 21, 2023 RRR is a period drama set against the backdrop of the British rule in India and also stars Jr. NTR in the lead. The S.S. Rajamouli directorial was released in India in March 2022. In the past few months, Ram has also been busy shooting for his untitled venture with S. Shankar RC15, featuring Kiara Advani as his leading lady. Also Read: Chiranjeevi is proud of Ram Charan as James Cameron goes gaga about his performance in RRR; calls it “No less than an Oscar”
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