Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur shares an old picture from the silver jubilee celebrations of his film Mr. India on Wednesday. Mr. India was a commercial success and one of the highest grossing films of the year. Fans get nostalgic as they see Sridevi and Amrish Puri in the photo. The superhero movie Mr. India was directed by Shekhar Kapur, and was co-produced by Boney and Surinder Kapoor under the former's banner, Narsimha Enterprises. Anil Kapoor, Sridevi, Amrish Puri, Annu Kapoor, and Ashok Kumar were among the actors who starred in the movie. Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur took a trip down memory lane and shared a throwback picture from the silver jubilee celebrations of the 1987 blockbuster Mr. India. In the picture, Shekhar held a microphone as he stood next to Sridevi. On the opposite side of Sridevi, actor Anil Kapoor could be seen turning his head away from the camera. Anil dressed for the occasion with a T-shirt, a jacket, and pants. He also wore a belt on his waist that was fastened with a scarf. Boney Kapoor, Sridevi's husband and producer, were also spotted in the picture, as was actor-director Satish Kaushik. Sharing the picture, Shekhar Kapur captioned the post, “The silver jubilee celebrations.. throwback pic of Mr India.” The silver jubilee celebrations.. throw back pic of Mr India — Shekhar Kapur (@shekharkapur) February 22, 2023 Reacting to the post, a fan commented, “The movie must have a sequel,” while another user wrote, “What a great film! One for the ages... Also not able to see Mr. India.” A user wrote, “Classic movie by a class director..wants some more stuff like this from you Sir,” “Sir now this is a Rare Pic. Missing these kind of genuine celebration events.” Several fans also missed Amrish Puri in the photo. A fan asked, “Where is Mogambo???” Sridevi’s daughter, Janhvi Kapoor recently shared a flashback photo of herself speaking to her mother on Instagram. Sharing the photo, she captioned, “I still look for you everywhere mumma, still do everything I do hoping I’m making you proud. Everywhere I go, and everything I do- it starts and ends with you.” While Boney Kapoor shared a solo picture of Sridevi along with the caption, “You left us 5 years back …… your love and memories will keep us going and will remain with us forever….” Also Read: Shabana Azmi shares her experience working with director Shekhar Kapur; says, “It isn’t like he is pushing his will down your throat”
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