Sidharth Malhotra, who was last seen in the role of a spy in Mission Majnu, has returned to his professional commitments. The actor, who was on a break earlier this month for his grand wedding in Rajasthan, has decided to finish off his work schedules before honeymoon. He recently attended the launch of a perfume range wherein he addressed Kiara as his wife. Fans of Sidkiara couldn’t keep calm as the video has taken social media by storm. In the video clip that has been doing the rounds on Instagram and other platforms, a dashing looking Sidharth Malhotra was seen talking about the perfume range when he said, “It is going to be a great addition to my night perfume range. I hope my wife likes it.” The actor was also seen blushing over the comment. Fan clubs of Sidkiara also recreated their own version of the video wherein they merged it with a video of the newlyweds from their Mumbai reception as well as a few moments from their wedding functions. This clip is being posted and reposted by several fanpages of the actors and many of them even dropped heart, heart-eye emojis to shower their love on the duo. Several comments also called them ‘Couple goals’ whereas one of them commented, “The way he blushed after saying my wife”. Yet another one dropped a comment saying, “Sundar jodi, nazar na lage (beautiful couple, hope they stay away from evil eye)”. View this post on Instagram A post shared by ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? (@sidkiara.world30) Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani, who have played a couple in Shershaah, stayed quiet about their relationship until they made it official earlier this year. They tied the knot in a grand but intimate ceremony in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan and since then, they have given their fans and followers a glimpse of several functions including their Mehendi, Haldi, Sangeet, - all of which was held at the luxurious Suryagarh Palace. The couple also hosted two wedding receptions in Delhi and Mumbai for their relatives, friends, and fraternity. Also Read: Sidharth Malhotra expresses his desire to play a “superhero”; says, “I want to explore everything”
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