Popular actress Sumbul Touqeer started her acting career back in 2011 with the Chandragupta Maurya series. And, since then, there is no looking back for the actress. After headlining a Star Plus show, titled Imlie, Khan went on to impress fans with her participation in Bigg Boss 16. Though she was the youngest contestant in the Salman Khan-hosted show, she managed to grab a spot among the top participants, making her parents and fans proud of her. There is another moment of pride as the 19-year-old actress has bought a lavish home in the city of dreams, Mumbai. The Imlie actress herself shared the news with her fans through her verified social media handle. In the latest video post on her Instagram handle, she can be seen giving a sneak peek into her flat along with her architect Radhika. Besides that, she asked her fans to share their ideas to design her home as her caption read, “Naya Ghar. work in progress. Apne ideas zaroor dein.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sumbul Touqeer (@sumbul_touqeer) Coming on the professional front, Khan is all set to enter Dear Ishq, a web serial streaming on Disney+ Hotstar. Set against the backdrop of an Indian publishing house, it is a tale of love, a journey with complex emotions to the masses. Talking about her role in the web serial, Sumbul asserted, “I am a fan of fiction shows and this is my first appearance after Big Boss 16 where audiences will see me as an actor and not as myself. I am equally excited and nervous about the role. I want to put my best foot forward. Moreover, it is challenging as audiences have been used to seeing me as Sumbul and not as an actor. I have worked with Atif sir previously and am thoroughly excited to be on his set. I feel very comfortable around him and deeply respect and admire him. I have met Niyati and she is really sweet and fun to be around. I am looking forward to audience reactions and hope they enjoy seeing me in a different avatar.” Also Read: Bigg Boss 16 contestant Sumbul Touqeer enters Dear Ishq; actress opens up about her new role in the show
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