Dia Mirza is balancing her career in front of the camera while enjoying being a mother. The actress wrote a word of encouragement for all working mothers on Monday as a shout-out to them. On Monday, Dia took to Instagram and posted an adorable picture of herself with her son Avyaan Azad Rekhi. Sharing the picture, she wrote in caption, “I am so grateful for all the kind words coming our way for #Bheed. Thank you so much! I did this movie for our children. So they can watch it some day and learn the power of empathy. Thank you @anubhavsinhaa, hazaar baar thank you for making me a part of this story For all the new Mamma’s out there, finding it hard to get back to work, know this - we are better parents when we choose to do all that gives us joy. Our children will learn to appreciate and respect that we go to work too.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dia Mirza Rekhi (@diamirzaofficial) The film Bheed, which debuted on Friday, featured Dia as Geetanjali, an affluent woman who is stranded on the motorway due to the pandemic-induced lockdown and unable to reach her child. Anubhav Sinha's black-and-white film centres on the difficulties that people encountered nationwide while the country was under lockdown because of the COVID outbreak. Talking to PTI, Dia told, “It all depends on the imagination of the filmmaker. We all suffer from being stereotyped and the problem of being boxed. The choices that we make, the things that we say, we can create our own path. I am quite kicked with the diversity of parts but I tend to resonate more with positive parts. Also, human beings even while they are positive, they can also be flawed. I find that interesting. I guess people will get to see a bit of that in Bheed.” Next, Dia Mirza will appear in the road trip drama Dhak Dhak, alongside Ratna Pathak Shah, Fatima Sana Shaikh, and Sanjana Sanghi. The producing company of Taapsee Pannu is supporting this movie. Also Read: We could stop and stare at Dia Mirza in her gorgeous red block printed saree by Anavila for Bheed promotions
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