Samantha and Vijay Deverakonda, who earlier collaborated for Mahanati, are back once again for another amazing entertainer. Titled Kushi, the film is directed by Shiva Nirvana and produced by Mythri Movie Makers. Vijay and Samantha are undoubtedly one of the most good looking onscreen pairs that many actors have been looking forward to watching on the big screen. The makers of the film yesterday took to Twitter to share the release date of the film. They wrote,"Experience the Magic of Two Worlds Falling for Each Other #Kushi in cinemas from 1st SEPTEMBER 20." (Sic) Kushi went on floors in April last year. The first and second schedules were shot in Kashmir. After finishing a schedule in June, the project never resumed again as Samantha was diagnosed with Myositis. From then to February this year, the project was kept on hold. Finally, early this month, Samantha joined the sets once again and the film, right now, is happening at a brisk pace. The shoot of Kushi is happening at Ramoji Film City where the makers are shooting key scenes with the actress. The poster is an interesting one as we see Vijay and Sam holding hands in this attention grabbing poster that has a pleasant and loveable vibe to it. Kushi will release in multiple languages and fans of Samantha are waiting to get to watch her back on the big screen after some time now. It's been a long time since the actress is seen in a full fledged love story and Kushi is going to bring back the lovely Samantha back again. Shiva Nirvana is known for telling beautiful stories blended with emotions. His previous film Tuck Jagadeesh was a flop at the box office and he has high hopes on Kushi. Malayalam music composer Hesham Abdul Wahab is composing music for this film.
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