Project K, starring Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone in the lead roles is one of the most-awaited movies in Indian cinema. The film went on floors almost two years ago and recently, the makers announced that the film will be released on January 12 as a Sankranti release. This news was a moment of celebration to the fans of Prabhas as it has been a long time since he arrived on Sankranti. But unfortunately, the release of the film at the given time seems to be doubtful. A few weeks ago, Amitabh Bachchan took to his official blog to inform his fans about the accident he met on the sets of Project K. The injury occurred earlier this month in Hyderabad. Bachchan consulted a doctor and underwent a CT scan at AIG Hospital before returning home to Mumbai to rest. The injury was a muscle tear in his right rib cage sustained during an action sequence, which resulted in the postponement of the film's shoot. Now the project has been kept on hold and is likely to not happen for the next three months as well. With a major part of the shooting being pending, it is expected that there is going to be a delay in the release of the film. This means, if things do not work in the favour of the film, the first part of Project K might not release on January 12, 2024. Directed by Nag Ashwin, the film is produced by Ashwini Dutt under Vyjayanthi Movies. Project K has Disha Patani playing a key role and is said that Dulquer Salmaan is playing a cameo as well. Meanwhile, the other two films of Prabhas are ready for release. While Om Raut's directorial Adipurush will hit the screens on June 16, Prashanth Neel's Salaar will release on September 28. Besides these, the actor is shooting for a horror-comedy film with director Maruthi.
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