Following the successful run of Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar at the box office, Ranbir Kapoor is gearing up for the release of his next biggie, a gangster drama titled Animal! The actor was recently spotted shooting in a hospital for the crime drama by Sandeep Reddy Vanga. The film also stars Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol and Rashmika Mandanna in pivotal roles. In a new footage circling the internet, Ranbir can be seen in a hospital gown as he heads towards the lift. Sporting a massive beard and messy, long hair Ranbir is seen walking towards the lift while taking his mobile from the unit boy standing beside him. Animal on the loose in a hospital ????⚠️#RanbirKapoor — Mickey (@seeuatthemovie) March 24, 2023 Fans were quick to leave comments on the tweet saying that the Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar actor gave them the vibes of Shahid Kapoor’s Kabir Singh, a film which was also directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga. “He looks so giant!” One Twitter user commented while another added, “kabir singh connection???” Meanwhile, a source recently told Bollywood Hungama, “The India shoot of Animal is wrapped up and the team is now all set to start the last schedule of Animal from the first week of April in the United Kingdom, followed by Scotland. It’s a 20 to 25 days’ shoot and will be done through the month of April. The team intends to shoot some action and dramatic sequences with Ranbir, Bobby, and Anil Kapoor.” The overseas leg is touted to be one of the most important schedules of Animal, as Sandeep has planned to shoot a few of the most important portions of the film overseas. “He reserved the best for the end. The vision for the overseas leg will blow the audience's mind,” the source added. Animal will be wrapped up by April end and will then proceed to the extensive post-production stage, making it ready for a big Independence Day 2023 release. Also Read: Ranbir Kapoor talks about his upcoming film Animal; says, “It is completely out of my comfort zone”
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