Actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu has been suffering from myositis for more than eight months now and has often spoken about it during the promotions of Yashoda. The actress is currently busy promoting her next film Shaakunthalam which is slated for release on April 14. Samantha is still recovering from the disease but is making sure she promotes the film in the best possible way. In various events, the makers of the film spoke about the efforts the actress put in to shoot for the film and talking to the media, the actress once again opened up about myositis. She said, "I did not have myositis during the shoot of Shaakunthalam or Yashoda. It was the post-production that was tough for me as that is when I fell sick. Myositis has changed me a lot as a person. More than the fear, it is the courage in me that makes me fight for life. I have had enough challenges in life and I faced all of them without fear. These eight months taught me what life is and what mental strength is. My work makes me stay focused. I am working 24x7 to recover and improve my health." The actress further added that she has given her best to shoot for the film irrespective of her health, and mental condition. "My health condition is different each day and I have no control of my body. So handling my condition, and working towards the commitments is something I have learnt to deal with," added the actress. Shaakunthalam is Samantha's first mythological film. Malayalam actor Dev Mohan will be seen playing Dushyanth in the film which has Allu Arha playing a pivotal role. The film will be released in multiple languages and is directed by Gunasekhar and produced by Neelima Guna and Dil Raju. On the other hand, the actress is busy shooting for her next film Kushi which has Vijay Deverakonda playing the lead actor. Kushi is directed by Shiva Nirvana and is slated for release on September 1.
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