On Saturday, Salman Khan's sister Arpita Khan and her husband Aayush Sharma hosted the Eid party at their lavish house in Bandra. Several celebs including Salman, Aamir Khan, Kartik Aaryan, Katrina Kaif, Sangeeta Bijlani, Pooja Hegde, Shehnaaz Gill, Ayushmann Khurrana, Sakshi Dhoni, Ibrahim Ali Khan, Anil Kapoor, Tabu, MC Stan and others were seen gracing the party in style. They were seen putting their best fashion foot forward and making heads turn on the red carpet. Eid festivities are always a glittering occasion with blingy lighting and sparkling attire. The festive season necessitates brightly coloured daytime attire and sequined and blingy night-time attire. And Bollywood superstars adhere to this without fail. We have seen Bollywood celebrities wearing some envious-inspiring outfits for the several Eid festivities that the stars attended this year. Genelia D'Souza walked in and took our breath away as soon as she walked in Arpita and Ayush Sharma’s Eid party.
The actress stunned in a velvet royal blue kaftan ensemble for the event, accessorised with some spectacular jewellery. She was wearing apparel from a brand called Prints by Radhika. The navy-blue background of the V-neck kaftan's ankle-length trousers was accented with white and green flower designs. The mori's heavily embroidered cuffs matched those on the kaftan sleeves. Genelia's selection of accessories, however, merely enhanced the look of the outfit's glitz. She donned a stunning nath, a pair of jhumkas, and several striking bracelets. Genelia's go-to glam looks included nude lips, bronzed cheeks, and shimmery golden eyelashes with an overlay of blue eyeliner. The actress chose a messy bun for her hairstyle.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Genelia was last seen in Marathi film Ved opposite her husband Ritiesh Deshmukh. it became the highest grossing Marathi film of 2022 and the third highest-grossing Marathi film of all-time. She will be next seen in Telugu film Junior.
ACTRESS: Genelia D’souza
STYLIST: Priyanka Castelino
OUTFIT: Rishina Acharya
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Also Read: Genelia D’Souza gives credit to her husband Riteish Deshmukh for her comeback in the films; says, “If it wasn’t for Riteish, I would have taken a longer break”
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