The level of danger is expected to be a notch higher in the upcoming edition of stunt-based reality show, Khatron Ke Khiladi 13. This season is set to see a face-off of fears among a fresh batch of celebrity contestants from different walks of life. As of now, the show will feature several television stars including Kundali Bhagya cast, Anjum Fakih and Ruhi Chaturvedi. The latter recently opened up about prepping for the show and putting her best foot forward. Determined to leave no stone unturned, the actor has started learning boxing to improve her muscle memory, reflexes, and alertness.
Talking about the significant changes she made to her workout schedule, as a part of her pre for Khatron Ke Khiladi 13, Ruhi Chaturvedi said, “Preparing for the stunt-reality show has been a transformative experience for me, both physically and mentally. From the moment I agreed to be a part of the show, I knew that I had to make significant changes to my workout, diet, and lifestyle to ensure that I was in the best possible shape. Learning boxing has been particularly beneficial, as it has not only improved my speed, alertness, endurance, coordination, and muscle memory but has also taught me to size up my opponents, a skill that will be invaluable in the challenges ahead. I am excited to put all of my preparation into practice and show what I'm made of on the show."
From pulling off adrenaline-fueled challenges to making tough decisions, the actors will have to reveal brave-heart side as they will be seen pushing their limits as they confront their deepest fears. Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 will also feature Arjit Taneja, Anjali Anand, Nyrraa M Banerji, Shiv Thakare, among the contestants and it will soon air on Colors.
Also Read: After Anjum Fakih, her Kundali Bhagya co-star Ruhi Chaturvedi joins Khatron Ke Khiladi 13
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