Ajith Kumar next project created a lot of noise with its working title AK62. After Thunivu's success, the actor geared up for his next film. Tamil superstar turned 52 on May 1st and the makers of the film unveiled the title. The highly anticipated movie which was tentatively titled AK62 is now Vidaa Muyarchi. Lyca Productions who are bankrolling the project gave the actor's fans a special treat on his birthday. Here's everything you need to know about the much-awaited upcoming movie of the superstar. Along with announcing the title the producers have also confirmed the director. The much-awaited movie Vidaa Muyarchi will be directed by Magiz Thirumeni. It is official now that Magiz has taken over the directorial responsibility after Vignesh Shivan dropped the film. Earlier, Rocky helmer was supposed to direct but he turned down the offer due to creative differences.
Wishing the man of Persistence, Passion and Hard work ? Our dearest #AjithKumar sir a Happy B'day ?
It's time for Celebration now...! ??? Our next film with Mr. #AK is titled #VidaaMuyarchi ?? "EFFORTS NEVER FAIL" and will be directed by the cult film-maker pic.twitter.com/9uFcnjJIv4 Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) April 30, 2023
The film's production house took to their official Twitter account sharing a poster of the film. Wishing Ajith Kumar special wishes on his birthday, they announced the title. AK 62 is titled Vidaa Muyarchi which means determination in Tamil. In the poster title is written over a circular maze with the tagline Efforts Never Fail. Sharing the post, Lyca Productions wrote, "Wishing the man of Persistence, Passion and Hard work. Our dearest Ajith Kumar sir a Happy B'day." Further mentioned, "Our next film with Mr. AK is titled Vidaa Muyarchi" and added that it will be directed by cult filmmaker Magizh Thirumeni. Vidaa Muyarchi is touted to be an intense drama. The regular shoot of the film will start soon and more details about the project have been kept under wraps as of now. With time major updates and information will be dropped later this year. Ajith Kumar's Vidaa Muyarchi is produced by Subaskaran under the banners of Lyca Productions. While the film is to be directed by Magizh Thirumeni, the soundtrack will be composed by music director Anirudh Ravichander.
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