Ashish Vidyarthi took the social media users by surprise after the veteran actor announced his second wedding with entrepreneur Rupali Barua. The actor, who was earlier married to co-actress Piloo Vidyarthi, clarified he continues to share an amicable and mutual friendship with his first wife. However, the latter’s cryptic posts on social media had fuelled up several rumours about the former couple including that she has been unhappy with this marriage.
One of the posts shared by Piloo Vidyarthi on her Instagram story read, “May the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. You've been strong long enough, it's time to start receiving your blessings. You deserve it.” She had also shared another post a couple of days ago saying, “Do not get PUZZLED in the puzzle called LIFE”. Followed by these posts, many started to speculate that the veteran actress was unhappy with her husband’s second marriage. However, clarifying on the same in an interview with Hindustan Times, Piloo maintained that she shares a rather good friendship with her former husband and that parted ways amicably but did not want to announce it to the media.
Asserting that Ashish Vidyarthi did not cheat on her, Piloo said, “I am going bonkers with the interpretation people are having about us. This is not fair. Ashish never cheated on me. Even if people are thinking that all he wanted was to get married again. This is completely a false narrative.” She further went on to open up about the happy space the estranged couple is in, adding, “We both are good friends and we have maintained it till now. These 22 years were the best part of my life.” She continued, “He has been an amazing partner and we have travelled together for years. We had a lot of common interests. Obviously, we people are bound to have different choices too but we never had a clash because, to the core, we are quite similar. We are still the same”.
Also Read: Ashish Vidyarthi ties the knot for the 2nd time in intimate Kolkata wedding; marries Rupali Barua
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