Sony TV has recently introduced a new show titled Sapnon Ki Chhalaang, produced under the banner of Invictus T Mediaworks. The show revolves around Radhika, played by Megha Ray. The coming-of-age TV series started premiering on Sony TV on April 10. As per the latest buzz, the show has roped in Bhavya Shinde for a pivotal role. He will be seen playing Lucky Yadav, the brother of the lead character.
In the latest episode, Lucky Yadav finds himself in a challenging situation after taking a loan from his sister, Radhika, to set up a stall at the local fair in their colony. With aspirations of attracting a larger audience, Lucky plans to leverage the power of social media influencers to promote his stall and increase footfall.
However, the plot thickens as Lucky records a video at the fair, capturing his mother's dance performance on stage. Intent on sharing this moment with his sister, Radhika, who resides in Mumbai, Lucky unexpectedly stumbles upon something that leaves him shocked and intrigued. Viewers are left on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the revelation of what Lucky has witnessed.
The previous episode has successfully built up suspense and anticipation, leaving audiences curious about the upcoming developments in Lucky Yadav's story. As the show progresses, viewers can expect unexpected twists, emotional encounters, and a glimpse into the complex dynamics of Lucky's relationship with his sister Radhika.
Also Read: Megha Ray opens up about playing the lead in Sony TV’s new show Sapnon Ki Chhalaang
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