Bollywood actor Aamir Khan recently surprised his fans by attending the trailer launch event of the film Carry On Jatta 3, starring Gippy Grewal and Sonam Bajwa in prominent roles. At the event, the renowned actor formed a genuine bond with Gippy and other cast members. In a recent interview with Lallantop, Gippy shared a remarkable habit of Aamir's that left him in awe of the superstar.
Gippy said in Hindi, “That’s his style. I’ve never said this, but every time I’ve paid him a visit, he has come down to see me off. And 99% of the time, he does this barefoot. I keep telling him to wear some shoes, but he doesn’t seem to mind. This is at his house, but once I went to visit him at the Marriott in Chandigarh, and he insisted on coming down to see me off again.”
Gippy continued, “There was some wedding function happening at the hotel, and there was a huge crowd because of it. I told him that there were too many people and that he shouldn’t come down, but he pointed out that they’d recognise me, so how does it matter if they recognise him as well. This time at his house, there were so many people, and he saw each one of them off individually. And we won’t go back upstairs until you’ve left. Everyone wanted to chat with him also, and there was such a line of cars, we thought we’d be stuck there for a long time.”
On the work front, Aamir was last seen in Laal Singh Chadha, Aamir Khan is gearing up to work on the Hindi remake of the Spanish film Campeones. However, this time he will not be in front of the camera but will take on the role of a producer for the movie.
Also Read: 25 years of Ghulam: Aamir Khan didn’t like the way ‘Aati Kya Khandala’ was initially shot by Vikram Bhatt, he scrapped the shoot, reveals Lalit Pandit
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