Prabhas' latest outing Adipurush was a debacle at the box office. The high-budget film based on the Hindu epic Ramayana didn't meet the expectations. It was highly criticized and became a controversial subject over the improper portrayal of characters, visual effects, and pedestrian language used in dialogues. Despite the debacle of Adipurush Prabhas is still determined and ambitious about his upcoming projects. The actor is reported to have signed a new movie which will be made on a big budget. The Telugu superstar grabbed attention and enjoyed fame after the humongous success of the Baahubali movie series. People had a lot of expectations from him following the SS Rajamouli magnum opus. Apparently, the actor didn't taste box office hit status for any of his movies released post Baahbali 2. His big budget movies Saaho and Radhe Shyam couldn't stand as per the expectations of cinephiles. These two movies fell flat at the box office. His latest mythological drama Adipurush was anticipated to break the streak unfortunately that too didn't happen. The consecutive failures of movies fail to pull Prabhas' motivation down. Undoubtedly, he is a crowd-puller but within a week his films fail at the box office. Well, the actor didn't loose hope seeing his graph and has signed a new big ticket movie. According to the latest reports he has signed a project with a renowned Kannada production KVN Productions which has produced films like RRR in Kannada, Vikrant Rona, Rider. The production company is now busy making a high-budget pan India film KD The Devil. According to reports Prabhas has signed the dotted lines for a big budget movie with KVN Productions. He has given a go-ahead signal despite the result of Adipurush. Reportedly the makers have proposed a shiny paycheque to the Baahubali star to bring him on board against the impressive story. More details about the project are unknown. Prabhas dates for 3 years are reportedly blocked for his amazing lineup. In the pipeline he has some highly anticipated movies scheduled to release in 2023 and 2024. His most awaited movie is Salaar scheduled to release on 28th September of this year. His next big movie awaited to release is Project K with Deepika Padukone. He is also said to do a horror comedy Raja Deluxe.
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