After shows such as Pyaar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan and Rabb Se hai Dua, Zee TV has joined hands with Studio LSD Productions yet again to present an exciting new show – 'Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti'. Starring Arjun Bijlani and Nikki Sharma as Shiv and Shakti respectively, the first promo of the show has managed to grab a lot of eyeballs. To add to the excitement around the show, popular television actor and comedian - Ssumier Pasricha has also joined the cast of the show.
Ssumier Pasricha will be playing the pivotal role of Purnendu - who is a Guru with the power of sensing what is going to transpire in the future in Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti. We hear that his character will play a crucial part in bringing about several twists and turns in the show. Interestingly, Ssumier will be seen in a never-seen-before, unique avatar that will surprise the audience since they are used to seeing him as ‘Pammi Aunty’.
Ssumier has revealed that he is quite excited about the show, especially since he is returning to television after four long years. Talking about it, he said, “I am really excited about Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti not only because it has a unique tale, but also since it is my first show with Zee TV. I’ve worked with the channel in the past for a hosting opportunity, but this is the first time I am working with them on a proper show and so, I am quite kicked about it. I must add that I have a very strong character as well, and the viewers will be surprised to see me in a completely new avatar as I have never played such a part and it is quite distinct from my Pammi Aunty avatar. In fact, I have felt stereotyped over the last few years, and this character will help me break free from the character and image of Pammi Aunty.”
He added, “We shot in Varanasi recently and I must say that I had a gala time in the city. Not only did I bond with the cast and shot for some wonderful sequences, but also explored the city. My only wish now is that I can make a big impact through this never-seen-before character and the viewers shower our exciting new show with their love and support.”
For the first time ever Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti will bring together Arjun Bijlani wit Nikki Sharma and viewers are eager to witness the chemistry of this new onscreen jodi on screen. The show premieres on July 3 on Zee TV and will air every day at 7.30 pm on the channel.
Also Read: Zee TV show ‘Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti’ lead actress Nikki Sharma flaunts her ‘Adi Shakti’ tattoo on her left arm
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