Upasana Kamineni and Ram Charan have finally brought their baby girl home. Yes, days after becoming proud parents of a baby girl, Ram Charan and Upasana have got Mega Princess home. Upasana and RC have been married for 11 years. They decided to embrace parenthood when they both felt ready. And now, after years of togetherness, they have become parents. Upasana took to her social media handle and shared a picture from Meha Princess' homecoming ceremony. Upasana has also thanked the fans and well-wishers for their wishes.
Upasana Kamineni shares Mega Princess' homecoming pic; thanks everyone
Ram Charan, Upasana Kamineni and their newborn daughter, fondly popular right now as Mega Princess have been dominating headlines and how! It's indeed celebration time in the Konidela and Kamineni families right now. And a welcome home ceremony was hosted for the little one, of course. There were balloons and flowers and the setting was all pastel and beautiful. Upasana held their newborn daughter while Ram Charan was seen holding Rhyme. They were all smiles for the camera. A beautiful homecoming moment was captured. Upasana Kamineni expresses feeling overwhelmed by all the love and a warm welcome everyone gave to their little one. "Thank you for all the love and blessings," she writes while sharing the picture-perfect family portrait. Her tweet is going viral in entertainment news. Have a look at Upasana's tweet here:
Overwhelmed by the warm welcome for our little one. Thank you for all the love and blessings ??@AlwaysRamCharan pic.twitter.com/9wkgNkibW5
Upasana Konidela (@upasanakonidela) June 24, 2023
Chiranjeevi, the grandfather named the baby girl Mega Princess
Megastar Chiranjeevi is on cloud nine on becoming a grandfather now. He has dubbed Ram Charan and Upasana's daughter as Mega Princess. He showered her with his blessings while welcoming her into their family. And since everyone has been calling her Mega Princess only. Her name will be revealed about 21 days after her birth. Ram Charan recently interacted with the media wherein he was asked who Mega Princess resembles in looks and he humoured them saying that of course, she looks like him. Well, the actor is super happy to welcome a daughter. Ram Charan and Upasana have already decided upon her name and he shared with the media that they will soon make an announcement. Ram Charan and Upasana did not conform to societal norms of having a baby right away after their wedding. There were comments about them not having to worry about the future of their child since there both belong to a well to do family. However, Ram Charan and Upasana were determined to have a kid when they both were financially in a safe place.
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