In an exclusive chat with Bollywood Hungama, rising singer Piyush Mehroliyaa shared his experience of singing two tracks in Satyaprem Ki Katha, ‘Sun Sajni’ and ‘Raat Baaki.’ He explained, “Satyaprem Ki Katha has become the most important and beautiful moment of my life.”
Explaining his take, he said, “This is my debut, and it was filmed on Kartik Aaryan, who has millions of fans following him. My favourite Kiara Advani is also a part of it. What could make me happier than this? My debut is happening on such a grand stage. The process of making songs for this film was incredibly enjoyable.”
The film, set in Gujarat and deeply rooted in Gujarati culture, resonated with him due to his close connection to the culture. He has performed music at Garba and Dandiya events numerous times, which helped him better understand the essence of the film. Narrating the story of bagging the opportunity, Piyush revealed that two days before the recording, he learned that he was chosen for the song ‘Sun Sajni.’
Talking about another song from the film, ‘Raat Baaki,’ sung by Monali Thakur, Piyush confidently stated that it has great potential. He said, “I must say 'Raat Baaki' is as charming as 'Cham Cham' and will be a huge hit, because ‘Cham-Cham’ was released a decade ago and it has crossed 1 billion views on YouTube, which is T-series first track to achieve such a milestone. I believe 'Raat Baaki' also has the potential to achieve a significant milestone in the future.”
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: ‘Aawara Shaam’ fame singer Piyush Mehroliyaa opens up about his musical journey; credits Meet Brothers for successful Bollywood debut with Satyaprem Ki Katha
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