Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor turned heads at the ongoing India Couture Week in Delhi on July 25. The 40-year-old actor was the showstopper for designer Kunal Rawal's 'Dhoop Chao' collection. Interestingly, after his walk, the actor gave a shout-out to his late father and actor Rishi Kapoor and actress-wife Alia Bhatt.
For the unversed, Kapoor was asked about his fashion influences. In response, he asserted, “If I have to choose from India, I would say Mr Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Saif Ali Khan. My father loved fashion as I remember he used to shop wherever he was travelling abroad. He is definitely an icon to me. And I will say my wife Alia. She dresses cool.”
Speaking of Kapoor’s attire, Kunal Rawal designed a full-sleeved black jacket with bandhgala for him. The jacket had silver buttons and sequins all over. The actor paired the jacket with black lungi-style pants. The look was both traditional and modern, and Kapoor pulled it off perfectly.
Coming to the professional front, Ranbir was last seen in Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar. The Luv Ranjan directorial starred Shraddha Kapoor as the female lead. He will be next seen in Animal, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga. The ensemble star cast of Animal also features Rashmika Mandanna, Anil Kapoor and Bobby Deol.
Also Read: Ranbir Kapoor turns up the heat in bandhgala and fusion lungi pants as he walks the ramp for Kunal Rawal at India Couture Week
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