Bollywood actor and popular star Vaani Kapoor is all set to take the digital world by storm with her highly anticipated debut on OTT with "Mandala Murders." The gripping crime thriller series, produced by the prestigious Yash Raj Films, is directed by the talented filmmaker Gopi Puthran, known for his exceptional storytelling.
In a recent statement, Vaani Kapoor spoke about her excitement about making an OTT debut and working with Puthran, a master of his craft. She said, "I was looking for something clutter-breaking for my foray into OTT. I’m thrilled to be working with a mind like Gopi Puthran for Mandala Murders, a gritty crime thriller series that has pushed me to work my hardest in the genre I’ve never attempted before."
To portray her character in the series authentically, Vaani had to draw from all her learnings and experiences as an actor. She embraced the challenge head-on, tapping into her vast repertoire of skills to bring the makers' vision to life. She further states, "I have always been an actor who has never taken any shortcuts when it comes to my craft because I respect the art of filmmaking and the purity that one needs to have towards acting.”
She further added, “Mandala Murders has truly pushed me as an actor to deliver a performance that will hopefully be appreciated and loved. I had to tap into all the learnings that I had so far to deliver the vision that the makers had for my character and the project. I’m neck deep into the shooting of Mandala Murders currently and looking forward for the series to grip people’s attention."
With Mandala Murders, Vaani Kapoor's OTT debut promises to be a powerful one, leaving her fans and the audience eagerly awaiting the release. The combination of Yash Raj Films' digital venture and Gopi Puthran's directorial prowess assures a gripping and engaging cinematic experience.
Also Read: Vaani Kapoor speaks about Sarvagunn Sampanna and Mandala Murders; says, “These two projects give me the space to experiment with two genres”
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