Akelli starring Nushrratt Bharuccha released in theatres recently. However, according to a close source, the production team of the movie experienced one tough curveball forcing the team to relocate their shoot from Turkey to Uzbekistan. The trouble began when the production team received a dangerous threat directed towards lead actress Nushrratt Bharuccha while they were in Turkey preparing for the shoot.
After completing the recce and survey of the location, the team was all ready to start preparation and shoot. However, the threat made the team choose a new location in Uzbekistan just 14 days before their shoot was supposed to start in Turkey. This decision was driven not only by safety concerns but also by the sensitive topic the film touched upon - through a terrorist organization.
Akelli is produced by Nitin Vaidya, Ninad Vaidya, and Aparna Padgaonkar along with Vicky Sidana & Shashant Shah. Dashami Studioz, founded in 2016, has already established itself as a significant player in the content-rich Marathi cinema. The film delves deep into themes of bravery, resilience, liberation.
Also Read: Akelli Teaser: Nushrratt Bharuccha is trapped in war-torn land in gripping first glimpse, watch
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