Filmmaker Anil Sharma is currently enjoying the super success of Gadar 2, the sequel to his 2001 blockbuster Gadar: Ek Prem Katha. The sequel, which stars Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel and Utkarsh Sharma, is in race to reach Rs. 500 crores at the India box office.
During an exclusive video conversation Bollywood Hungama, Sharma was asked if, after the release of any of his film, he ever feels like making some changes in it. He said, “I don’t think anything later. As soon as the film reaches the theatres, I stop thinking because I just can’t do anything now.”
However, he quickly added that he wants to make some alterations in the OTT version of Gadar 2. “But still, today I told my VFX guy and assistants that there is still one month before delivering the film to OTT and there are some corrections in my mind that I want to include, so please do that. We will refine it more for OTT. But there is still time for it. I don’t think we will show it on OTT before 3-4 months,” said the filmmaker.
Coming to the business of Gadar 2, Sharma spoke on the profit margin of the film and what are his expectations from the film’s lifetime collections. “The budget of this film is Rs. 60 crores,” he said. “This film has the love of people, and it will take it everywhere. I would want it to reach. Rs. 500 or 600 or 700 crores. With the budget being of Rs. 60 crores, I would want it to reach Rs. 600 crores. Rest it’s up to God. But I am hopeful that it will reach Rs. 500-600 crores.”
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Anil Sharma on issues with Ameesha Patel, “She has some attitude and becomes tedhi-medhi at times”
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